The MDM system is designed for centralized master data management of a company or a group of companies and for the quality control of data processing and modification processes.
In terms of architecture, the MDM system may operate:
- within a centralized Monolit Suite installation — all the holding companies use the same DB.
- in a distributed structure - local Monolit Suite installation for each holding company.
System-Wide Features
Master data transfer system architecture and configuration description tools.
Tools to describe subscriber systems, data transfer direction settings, for each exchange object.
Absence of restrictions on setting up processing of any Monolit Suite module master data due to description of exchange objects at a low system level.
Various customizable data transfer scenarios for different exchange objects (manual, automatic scheduled, etc.).
Resolving encoding duplication conflicts - prefixes, postfixes, automatic numbering.
Storage and presentation of source (local) values of master data key fields and centralized alignments.
Description integrity control system for transferred structures and item values.
The consistent generation of centralized master data (consolidation, unification, harmonization).
Coordination of Changes in Master Data Using “Monolit IIM/ECM” System
An electronic document management system can be selected as the method of adding/adjusting for MDM object.
The ECM document becomes an interface for changing the master data for MDM objects transferred for ECM control. The user performs master data changes (adding, editing) directly from the ECM document.
The ECM document interacts directly with the data classifiers in the MD database.
The ECM document route provides the possibility to enter various groups of information on the created or modified items at various stages and to coordinate them.
The ECM document allows creating / modifying the list of items of one or several MD objects.
The ECM document considers all the rules and restrictions related to the MDM object.
The ECM document manages distribution of changes among subscribers.
Description of the business process of creating/changing Master data is performed by all the existing ECM tools: document types, statuses, tasks, distribution, access, attachments of documents. The association of document (user-type document) and the MDM object and permissible operations with it is described to manage the Master data.